Fig. 1.
Schematic representation of tubules and vasa recta in the rat outer medulla (OM). Four concentric regions (R1–R4) are distinguished; the innermost (R1) contains the central vascular bundle. Note that R1–R4 have coincident centers; the display here is intended to minimize the figure area. A: tubules and vessels along the corticomedullary axis. B: cross section of the outer stripe. C: cross section of the inner stripe. LDV, long descending vas rectum; SDV, short descending vas rectum; LAVa and LVAb, 2 populations of LDV; SAVa and SAVb, 2 populations of SDV; LDL, long descending limb of Henle's loop; SDL, short descending limb; LAL, long ascending limb; SAL, short ascending limb; CD: collecting duct. The decimal numbers represent the relative weight of interaction between a type of vessel or tubule and a given region (i.e., the parameter κi,R in Eqs. 9–10).