FIG. 4.
Time course experiments to examine the effects of mutations in the template for genomic plus-strand RNA3 synthesis. (A) Autoradiograms showing the accumulation of progeny minus- and plus-strand RNAs in protoplasts transfected and harvested between 0 and 24 h. The identity of each mutant is indicated above each lane of the autoradiogram. (B) Autoradiograms examining the stability of labeled mutant RNAs in transfected barley protoplasts. The time of RNA isolation (in minutes) is shown above the autoradiogram. (C) Results from rabbit reticulocyte translation extract programmed with wild-type and mutant RNA3 transcripts. Shown are the 3a proteins by SDS-12% PAGE. The identity of each mutant RNA is named above the autoradiograms.