Fig. 3.
L5 pyramidal neurons from freeze-lesioned rats have increased intrinsic excitability. A: recordings showing a somatically evoked train of action potentials in a neuron from a sham-operated animal (top). In the same cell during bath application of ZD7288, Vm is hyperpolarized and the number of action potentials is increased (bottom). B: records obtained from a pyramidal neuron near a lesion. The same current injection resulted in a greater number of spikes under control conditions (top). After ZD7288, Vm and number of evoked action potentials are virtually unchanged. C: summary graphs showing difference in number of action potentials (APs) between sham-operated and lesioned animals before (left) and during (right) ZD7288. The difference in AP number is not significant after Ih inhibition. *P < 0.05.