Figure 3.
Photographs of clinorotated protonemata in the gap. Bars = 50 μm. In A to D the direction of the magnetic force is toward the bottom of the micrographs. The arrowheads in B to D indicate HGMF-induced amyloplast displacement. A, wwr cells curving toward the outside of the gap after 24 h in the HGMF, in a pattern similar to Figure 2B. B, WT protonema curving toward the inside of the gap after 12 h in the HGMF. C, wwr tip cell in the gap for 6 h. D, wwr tip cell in the gap for 5 h. E, wwr control cell inside the gap between the magnets for 5 h. Cells were exposed to a uniform magnetic field (about 8 kilo-oersteds), but not to an HGMF. Plastids were distributed symmetrically around the longitudinal axis of the cell and no curvature was observed. F, WT control cell after 12 h outside the gap, away from an HGMF. No lateral amyloplast displacement or curvature occurred. Fm, magnetic force.