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. 2011 Apr 21;258(11):1940–1948. doi: 10.1007/s00415-011-6037-6

Table 2.

Long-lasting effects of tDCS sessions reported spontaneously by tinnitus patients

Sham Anodal Cathodal
3 Improvement (intensity and discomfort) during 2 days Tone different, higher pitch, balance left/right
5 Worsening (intensity and discomfort) during 10 days During a few days: decreased intensity on the right side, possible increase on the left
7 Slight increase of intensity and higher pitch with less variation, during a few days Worsening (discomfort) ≥15 days; very high pitch, lack of the tone variations
9 Worsening (intensity and discomfort) during 7 days Worsening (intensity and discomfort) ≥15 days, lack of the tone variations
10 Increase of intensity during 7 days Improvement (intensity and discomfort) during ≥15 days Improvement (intensity and discomfort) ≥15 days; lower tone less uncomfortable
13 Clear “well-being” during the afternoons during ≥15 days
15 During a few days: decrease of intensity on the left, lower tone less uncomfortable
16 Complete but transient resolution of tinnitus a few hours later, alternation of resolution/relapses, better mood Worsening (intensity and discomfort) during ≥15 days
17 Modulation of intensity, slight pain, progressive return to previous status
19 Transient instability after sham tDCS resolved in 1 hour; increase of intensity >1 hour

Long-lasting positive, negative or other effects (change in pitch, tone, side balance, qualities of tinnitus) spontaneously reported by the patients after sham, anodal and cathodal tDCS. Patients 1, 2, 4, 6, 8, 11, 12, 14, 18, and 20 did not report any lasting effects