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. 2004 Jan;17(1):72–97. doi: 10.1128/CMR.17.1.72-97.2004


Cryptosporidium spp. of humans, domestic animals, and some wildlife

Host Major parasite(s) Minor parasite(s)
Human C. hominis, C. parvum C. meleagridis, C. felis, C. canis, C. muris, cervine genotype, pig genotype I
Cattle C. parvum, C. andersoni Bovine genotype B, deer-like genotype, C. felis
Sheep C. parvum Bovine genotype B, cervine genotype (sheep genotype?), C. andersoni, C. hominis
Goat C. parvum C. muris (moutain goat)
Camel C. parvum?, C. andersoni C. muris
Pig Pig genotype I Pig genotype II
Horse Horse genotype? Apparently C. parvum
Dog C. canis
Cat C. felis
Mouse C. muris, mouse genotype
Squirrel Squirrel genotype, C. muris
Deer Deer genotype, C. parvum Cervine genotype
Muskrat Muskrat genotype I Muskrat genotype II
Opossum Opossum genotypes I and II
Fox C. canis fox genotype Fox genotype II, C. canis dog genotype
Chicken C. baileyi C. meleagridis, C. galli
Turkey C. baileyi, C. meleagridis
Goose and duck Goose genotypes I and II C. baileyi, duck genotype
Snake C. serpentis C. saurophilum, snake genotype (W11)
Lizard C. serpentis, C. saurophilum Lizard genotype
Turtle Tortoise genotype
HHS Vulnerability Disclosure