Figure 2.
Cryo-scanning electron microscopy images of ovule development in Capsicum annuum. A-C, Comparison of genotypes Orlando (A), Bruinsma Wonder (B), and Line 3 (C) grown at 20/18°C D/N. Gradient of ovule development from top to bottom (arrow head; small circle: undeveloped ovules) Bar = 1 mm. D,E, Ovule primordia (op) initiated from the placenta (arrows), and differentiated in nucellus (nu), chalaza (ch) and funiculus (fu), integument development (E) and development of the micropyle (F). F, Single integument (unitegmic) ovules with micropylar end (mi) situated near the base of the funiculus and oriented towards the placenta (anatropous). Bar = 100 μm.