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. 2011 May 18;1(5):211–222. doi: 10.1159/000328203

Table 1.

All known patients with either mutations in or deletions of TGIF

Patienta HPE typeb Inheritance DNA alteration Predicted protein alteration Predicted functional alterationc Gender Proband (or relationship to proband) Reference
1a mic pat c.83C>G p. Ser28Cys decreased transcriptional repression F proband Gripp et al., 2000
1b mic pat c.83C>G p. Ser28Cys decreased transcriptional repression M father Gripp et al., 2000
1c mic U c.83C>G p. Ser28Cys decreased transcriptional repression M paternal grandfather Gripp et al., 2000

2a U pat c.91G>C p. Ala31Pro U F proband this report
2b none U c.91G>C p. Ala31Pro U M father this report

3a L mat c.132G>T p. Lys44Asn U M proband Richieri-Costa and Ribeiro, 2008
3b none U c.132G>T p. Lys44Asn U F mother Richieri-Costa and Ribeiro, 2008

4 L de novo c.133G>T p. Glu45X protein truncation with no transcriptional repression M proband El-Jaick et al., 2007

5 U U c.228C>A p. His76Gln likely no functional alteration U proband El-Jaick et al., 2007

6a S pat/mat c.l40_141delTG (pat); c.228C>A (mat) p. Ser46fs (pat); p. His76Gln (mat) paternal mutation results in truncation and loss of repression; maternal mutation likely causes no functional alteration F proband El-Jaick et al., 2007
6b none U c.228C>A p. His76Gln likely no functional alteration F mother El-Jaick et al., 2007
6c none U c.140 141delTG p. Ser46fs protein truncation with no transcriptional repression M father El-Jaick et al., 2007

7a S pat c.177C>G p. Tyr59X protein truncation with no transcriptional repression F proband Aguilella et al., 2003
7b mic U c.177C>G p. Tyr59X protein truncation with no transcriptional repression M father Aguilella et al., 2003

8 L de novo c.187C>G p. Pro63Arg likely misfolded with no transcriptional repression U proband Gripp et al., 2000

9a A mat c.257delT p. Phe86Serfs*13 likely protein truncation F proband this report
9b none U c.257delT p. Phe86Serfs*13 likely protein truncation F mother this report

10 A de novo c.268C>T p. Arg90Cys U M proband Chen et al, 2002

11a S pat c.271C>T p. Arg91Cys U F proband this report
11b A pat not available; likely same as 11a not available; likely same as 11a U F sibling this report
11c none U c.271C>T p. Arg91Cys U M father this report

12a U mat not available; likely same as 12b not available; likely same as 12b likely no functional alteration F proband Aguilella et al, 2003
12b U U c.320A>T p. Glnl07Leu likely no functional alteration F mother Aguilella et al, 2003; El-Jaick et al, 2007

13a L mat c.377T>C p. Vall26Ala U M proband Chen etal, 2006
13b S mat not available; likely same as 13a not available; likely same as 13a U U sibling Chen etal, 2006
13c L mat not available; likely same as 13a not available; likely same as 13a U U sibling Chen etal, 2006
13d mic U c.377T>C p. Vall26Ala U F mother Chen etal, 2006

14 U U c.436G>T p. Alal46Ser U M proband this report

15 S U c.451A>GinrGiF; (SHH: c.l283_1291del) p. Thrl51ArainTGIF, (SHH: p.378_380del) likely no functional alteration F proband Nannietal, 1999; Gripp et al, 2000

16a mic pat c.485C>T p. Serl62Phe likely no functional alteration M proband Gripp et al, 2000; El-Jaick et al, 2007
16b none U c.485C>T p. Serl62Phe likely no functional alteration M father Gripp et al, 2000

17a U pat c.778delC p. Arg260Glyfs*58 likely misfolded with absent TGF-β-dependent transcriptional repression and decreased RXR-dependent transcriptional repression M proband El-Jaick et al, 2007
17b mic U c.778delC p. Arg260Glyfs*58 likely misfolded with TGF-β and decreased RXR-dependent transcriptional repression M father El-Jaick et al, 2007

18 L U c.778delC p. Arg260Glyfs*58 likely misfolded with TGF-β and decreased RXR-dependent transcriptional repression F proband this report (no evidence of relationship with family 17, and the 2 families are of different ethnicities)

19 A U gene deletion (FISH) N/A predicted null M proband Bendavid et al., 2006

20 S U gene deletion (MLPA) N/A predicted null U proband Bendavid et al., 2009

21 S mat (both SHH mutation and 18p deletion) del(18)(pll.23→pter) (SHH: C.1270OG) N/A in TGIF; (SHH: p. Pro424Ala) predicted null in TGIF F proband Nannietal., 1999

22a mic mat del(18)(pll.3→18pter) N/A predicted null M proband Portnoi et al., 2007
22b mic U del(18)(pll.3→18pter) N/A predicted null F mother Portnoi et al., 2007

23 U U del(18)(pll.l→18pter) N/A predicted null F proband Kuchle et al., 1991

24 mic de novo del(18)(pll→18pter) N/A predicted null F proband Morales-Peralta and Lanti-gua, 1994

25 U U del(18)(pll→18pter) N/A predicted null M proband Boudailliez et al., 1983

26 U de novo del(18)(p)(l/2ofl8p) N/A predicted null F proband Faust et al., 1976

27 L U del(18)(p)(3/4ofl8p) N/A predicted null F proband Faust et al., 1976

28 mic de novo del(18)(p) N/A predicted null F proband Aughton et al., 1991

29 mic de novo del(18)(p) N/A predicted null M proband Dolanetal., 1981

30 L U arr(18): 140,284-14,065,199 N/A predicted null F proband Rosenfeld et al., 2010

31 mic U arr(18): chr 18: 5,982-14,065,199 N/A predicted null F proband Rosenfeld et al., 2010

32 mic de novo arr(18): chr 18: 5,982-14,065,199 N/A predicted null F proband Rosenfeld et al., 2010

33 mic U arr(18): 102,328-15,079,388 N/A predicted null M proband Rosenfeld et al., 2010

34 U de novo arr(18): 140,284-10,600,909 N/A predicted null F proband Rosenfeld et al., 2010

35 mic U arr(18): 5,982-4,974,551 N/A predicted null F proband Rosenfeld et al., 2010

36 A de novo arr(18): 5,982-4,974,551 N/A predicted null F proband Sepulveda, 2009

37 mic U del(18)(p11.2→pter) N/A predicted null M proband this report

38 mic U gene deletion (aCGH) N/A predicted null M proband this report

Some mutations have been shown to be loss-of-function, but the functional effects of others (such as p. His76Gln and p. Glnl07Leu) are not known, and may in fact be rare familial variants, A = Alobar; L = lobar; mat = maternal; mic = microform; N/A = not applicable; pat = paternal; S = semilobar; U = unknown.


Each family is listed with a different number; individuals within each family are given a different letter.


The form of HPE is described as 'unknown' for patients with no available neuroimaging or with insufficient information for classification.


Functional data derived from El-Jaick et al. [2007].