Descriptive Statistics
Panel A: Counties in the 1993 Population Census | ||||||
All Counties (N=1,060) | Counties with Coffee (N=589) | Counties without Coffee (N=471) | ||||
Mean | Std Dev | Mean | Std Dev | Mean | Std Dev | |
Number of Households | 6,532 | (34,598) | 6,675 | (23,535) | 6,354 | (44,767) |
Number of Individuals | 30,942 | (174,651) | 30,200 | (106,237) | 31,869 | (233,683) |
Share Female | 0.49 | (0.02) | 0.49 | (0.02) | 0.49 | (0.02) |
Age | 25.31 | (2.48) | 25.93 | (2.30) | 24.53 | (2.48) |
Share Under Age 5 | 0.13 | (0.02) | 0.12 | (0.02) | 0.13 | (0.02) |
Share Married or in Free Union (over Age 14) | 0.53 | (0.12) | 0.54 | (0.07) | 0.52 | (0.16) |
Share Born in Current Municipality | 0.66 | (0.17) | 0.65 | (0.16) | 0.67 | (0.19) |
Share Literate (over Age 4) | 0.76 | (0.18) | 0.79 | (0.11) | 0.71 | (0.23) |
Share in School (over Age 4) | 0.26 | (0.05) | 0.25 | (0.04) | 0.27 | (0.05) |
Years of Education (over Age 4) | 3.62 | (0.90) | 3.65 | (0.84) | 3.59 | (0.97) |
Share Employed (over Age 9) | 0.41 | (0.10) | 0.43 | (0.06) | 0.38 | (0.12) |
Children Ever Born (Females over Age 14) | 3.66 | (0.52) | 3.65 | (0.50) | 3.67 | (0.55) |
Children Alive (Females over Age 14) | 4.11 | (0.49) | 4.07 | (0.48) | 4.15 | (0.49) |
Age at Last Birth (Females over Age 14) | 29.85 | (1.40) | 29.91 | (1.29) | 29.76 | (1.53) |
Share with Brick or Prefabricated Walls | 0.47 | (0.24) | 0.47 | (0.22) | 0.48 | (0.25) |
Share with Adobe or Pressed Dirt Walls | 0.20 | (0.24) | 0.21 | (0.24) | 0.18 | (0.24) |
Share with Dirt Floors | 0.28 | (0.22) | 0.23 | (0.18) | 0.34 | (0.24) |
Share with Water Access | 0.55 | (0.26) | 0.61 | (0.23) | 0.48 | (0.28) |
Share with Sewage Access | 0.32 | (0.25) | 0.40 | (0.24) | 0.22 | (0.23) |
Share with Electricity | 0.67 | (0.27) | 0.73 | (0.22) | 0.60 | (0.30) |
Number of Household Rooms | 3.14 | (0.43) | 3.22 | (0.45) | 3.05 | (0.39) |
Share Owning Home | 0.70 | (0.17) | 0.70 | (0.12) | 0.69 | (0.22) |
Share Renting or Leasing Home | 0.17 | (0.11) | 0.18 | (0.10) | 0.16 | (0.11) |
Hectares of Coffee (Early 1980s) | 979 | (1,871) | 1,726 | (2,209) | 0 | (0.00) |
Panel B: Children in the Pooled Demographic and Health Survey Sample (1986, 1990, 1995, and 2000 Waves) | ||||||
All Counties (N=70,695) | Counties with Coffee (N=22,313) | Counties without Coffee (N=48,382) | ||||
Mean | Std Dev | Mean | Std Dev | Mean | Std Dev | |
Mother’s Age | 36.01 | (8.16) | 36.24 | (8.17) | 35.91 | (8.16) |
Mother’s Years of Education | 5.28 | (3.83) | 4.77 | (3.55) | 5.52 | (3.93) |
Number of Household Members | 6.16 | (2.61) | 6.38 | (2.61) | 6.06 | (2.60) |
Mother’s Total Number of Births | 4.40 | (2.73) | 4.76 | (3.00) | 4.24 | (2.58) |
Mother’s Age at First Birth | 19.84 | (3.92) | 19.83 | (3.90) | 19.84 | (3.93) |
Mother’s Age at First Marriage | 18.97 | (4.14) | 19.03 | (4.20) | 18.94 | (4.11) |
Preceding Birth Interval (Months) | 35.89 | (27.13) | 34.44 | (26.45) | 36.57 | (27.42) |
Share Receiving Prenatal Tetanus Toxoid | 0.68 | (0.46) | 0.65 | (0.48) | 0.70 | (0.46) |
Share of Mothers Receiving Prenatal Care | 0.84 | (0.37) | 0.81 | (0.39) | 0.85 | (0.36) |
Share of Medically-Supervised Births | 0.82 | (0.39) | 0.80 | (0.40) | 0.83 | (0.38) |
Months Breastfed | 9.66 | (8.69) | 9.11 | (8.69) | 9.91 | (8.68) |
Share Receiving BCG Vaccine | 0.92 | (0.27) | 0.93 | (0.25) | 0.91 | (0.28) |
Share Receiving DPT Vaccine | 0.92 | (0.28) | 0.93 | (0.26) | 0.91 | (0.28) |
Share Receiving Polio Vaccine | 0.93 | (0.25) | 0.94 | (0.24) | 0.93 | (0.26) |
Share Receiving Measles Vaccine | 0.64 | (0.48) | 0.68 | (0.46) | 0.62 | (0.49) |
Hectares of Coffee in Municipality (Early 1980s) | 1,899 | (3,136) | 2,974 | (3,493) | 0 | (0.00) |
Panel C: Children in the Familias en Acción Survey Sample | ||||||
All Counties (N=13,732) | Counties with Coffee (N=5,176) | Counties without Coffee (N=8,556) | ||||
Mean | Std Dev | Mean | Std Dev | Mean | Std Dev | |
Age | 3.50 | (1.92) | 3.49 | (1.91) | 3.50 | (1.93) |
Share Compliant with Growth and Development Monitoring | 0.32 | (0.47) | 0.37 | (0.48) | 0.29 | (0.45) |
Mother’s Age | 31.15 | (7.01) | 31.05 | (6.82) | 31.21 | (7.13) |
Mothers: Share with No Education | 0.15 | (0.35) | 0.12 | (0.32) | 0.16 | (0.37) |
Mothers: Share with Primary Education | 0.21 | (0.41) | 0.20 | (0.40) | 0.21 | (0.41) |
Mothers: Share with Secondary Education or More | 0.06 | (0.24) | 0.06 | (0.23) | 0.06 | (0.24) |
Mothers: Share Worked in Preceding Week | 0.35 | (0.48) | 0.34 | (0.47) | 0.35 | (0.48) |
Mothers: Monthly Hours of Work | 36.69 | (77.19) | 38.30 | (78.55) | 35.66 | (76.30) |
Household Head’s Age | 40.57 | (12.33) | 39.97 | (12.00) | 40.95 | (12.53) |
Household Head: Share with No Education | 0.23 | (0.42) | 0.19 | (0.39) | 0.26 | (0.44) |
Household Head: Share with Primary Education | 0.11 | (0.31) | 0.09 | (0.29) | 0.11 | (0.32) |
Household Head: Share with Secondary Education or More | 0.04 | (0.20) | 0.04 | (0.19) | 0.04 | (0.21) |
Household Head: Share Worked in Preceding Week | 0.91 | (0.29) | 0.91 | (0.29) | 0.91 | (0.28) |
Household Head: Monthly Hours of Work | 173.93 | (91.92) | 175.20 | (88.99) | 173.17 | (93.64) |
Number of People in Household | 6.60 | (2.53) | 6.53 | (2.51) | 6.64 | (2.54) |
Number of Children in Household (Ages 0–6) | 2.09 | (1.13) | 2.08 | (1.12) | 2.09 | (1.14) |
Share of Children Suffering Acute Diarrhea in last 15 days | 0.14 | (0.35) | 0.13 | (0.34) | 0.15 | (0.36) |
Share of Children Suffering Acute Respiratory Infection in last 15 days | 0.43 | (0.50) | 0.39 | (0.49) | 0.46 | (0.50) |
Share of Children Suffering Any Illness in last 15 days | 0.55 | (0.50) | 0.52 | (0.50) | 0.57 | (0.49) |
Share of Children Not Participating in Usual Activities in last 15 days | 0.22 | (0.41) | 0.20 | (0.40) | 0.23 | (0.42) |
Travel Time in Minutes to Town Center | 56.29 | (101.12) | 55.04 | (64.39) | 57.08 | (118.54) |
Travel Time in Minutes to Nearest Health Care Facility | 41.74 | (61.31) | 44.30 | (53.75) | 40.13 | (65.58) |
Notes: The data summarized in Panel A is from the complete 1993 Colombian population census matched to the National Federation of Coffee Grower’s early 1980s coffee census; the data summarized in Panel B is from pooled child records from the 1986, 1990, 1995, and 2000 Colombian Demographic and Health Surveys also matched to the National Federation of Coffee Grower’s early 1980s coffee census; the data summarized in Panel C is from the Familias en Acción Survey (2002 first wave characteristics only shown) matched to the National Federation of Coffee Grower’s 1997 coffee census. Standard deviations shown in parentheses.