Vaccination Type | Estimate | Standard Error | Implied Change | N | R2 |
ln(Polio Vaccionations) | −0.44*** | (0.11) | −5.54% | 7,600 | 0.94 |
ln(DPT Vaccinations) (Diptheria, Pertussis, and Tetanus) | −0.38*** | (0.12) | −4.78% | 7,603 | 0.92 |
ln(BCG Vaccinations) ( Bacille Calmette-Guerin) | −0.30*** | (0.12) | −3.76% | 7,573 | 0.94 |
ln(Hepatitis B Vaccinations) | −0.60*** | (0.12) | −7.51% | 7,604 | 0.93 |
ln(Haemophilus Influenzae Type b Vaccinations) | −0.58*** | (0.15) | −7.25% | 7,018 | 0.90 |
ln (MMR Vaccinations) (Measles, Mumps, and Rubella) | −0.53*** | (0.12) | −6.68% | 7,611 | 0.93 |
Notes: County-year EPI (WHO Expanded Program on Immunization) vaccination data for years 1998–2007 from Fundación Santa Fe de Bogotá ; coffee cultivation data from the National Federation of Coffee Grower’s 1997 coffee census; annual internal coffee price data from the National Federation of Coffee Growers. Estimates and standard errors (in parentheses, clustered by county) shown for the interaction between coffee growing intensity and coffee price obtained by estimating equation 1 (controlling for county and year fixed effects and county-specific linear trends). Coffee area is in thousands of hectares and coffee prices are in thousands of pesos per kilogram. Implied changes are calculated for 250 hectares of coffee and a 500 peso per kilogram price change.