Fig. 2.
Siroheme decarboxylase activity of Nir proteins. (A) UV-visible absorption spectra of sirohydrochlorin (solid line) and didecarboxysiroheme (dashed line), under anaerobic conditions in 50 mM potassium phosphate buffer at pH 8. (B) HPLC traces of tetrapyrrole derivatives observed after incubation of sirohydrochlorin (i–iii), and incubation of siroheme (iv–vi), with the absorbance recorded at 390 nm. (B, i) HPLC trace of sirohydrochlorin. (B, ii) HPLC trace of reaction containing E. coli cell lysate harboring empty expression vector and sirohydrochlorin, note the new compound at 15 min. (B, iii) HPLC trace of reaction containing NirD-LGH and sirohydrochlorin. (B, iv) HPLC trace of siroheme. (B, v) HPLC trace of reaction containing NirE,D-L and siroheme. (B, vi) HPLC trace of reaction containing NirD-LGH and siroheme. Siroheme was used at a final concentration of 50 µM in each assay.