Diurnal variation in the levels of
accumulation of transcript StGA20ox1 in leaves. Plants were grown in
short days (SD) or short days with a night break (SD + NB) for 3 weeks.
Leaf samples were harvested 30 min after the lights were turned on and
taken at intervals of approximately 3 h and immediately before and
after the night break. A, Light regimes used to grow the plants. The
light period and night break are indicated by white bars; the dark
period by a black bar. B, RNA blots hybridized with the StGA20ox1
probe. After hybridization to the StGA20ox1 probe, blots were probed
with a fragment corresponding to the ribosomal S4 protein (Braun et
al., 1994). StGA20ox1 mRNA levels were quantified by densitometric
scanning of the film and normalized to S4 mRNA levels. The graph
represents the levels of StGA20ox1 mRNA estimated for each sample
compared with the highest hybridization signal (short days, 23.5
h), to which we assigned an arbitrary value of 100. Thirty micrograms
of total RNA was loaded per lane. The experiment was repeated four