Diurnal variation of levels of StGA20ox2 and
StGA20ox3 transcripts in leaves. Plants were grown in short days (SD)
or short days with a night break (SD + NB) for 3 weeks. RNA
blots were hybridized to probes StGA20ox2 and StGA20ox3, and
subsequently to the ribosomal S4 protein probe for normalization.
Densitometric scanning of the film quantified the levels of StGA20ox2
and StGA20ox3 mRNAs. The graphs represent the levels estimated for both
transcripts compared with the strongest hybridization signal (short
days, 23.5 h, in RNA blots hybridized with probe StGA200ox1), to
which we assigned an arbitrary value of 100. Values correspond to
approximately the levels of the respective mRNAs, as probes of about
the same size and specific activities were used for hybridization. The
experiment was repeated twice.