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. 2011 Oct 18;12:114. doi: 10.1186/1471-2296-12-114

Table 1.

Comparing the features of primary care models in Ontario, Canada.

Characteristic Salary FFS Blended Capitation

Community Health Centre (CHC) Fee For Service (FFS) Family Health Group (FHG) Family Health Network (FHN) Family Health Organization (FHO) Family Health Team (FHT)
Year introduced 1970s ...... 2004 2001 2006 2005

Group size Group practice, size unspecified 1 Physician Minimum of 3 Minimum of 3 Minimum 3 Group practice, size unspecified

Physician remuneration Salary FFS FFS + incentives Blended Capitationb Blended Capitationb Blended Capitationb

Patient enrollment Required, Not required Required Required Required Required

Access Extended office hours No specified requirements Extended office hours, THAS Extended office hours, THAS Extended office hours, THAS Extended office hours, THAS

Multidisciplinaritya Extensive None None Some Some Extensive

Table adapted from Russell et al. [7]. THAS = Telephone Health Advisory Service, a patient telephone advisory system for which physicians are required to provide on-call services 24 hours a day, 7 days a week

a Multidisciplinarity refers to the presence of allied health professionals (e.g., physiotherapist, social worker, dietician, pharmacist), excluding nursing staff, but including nurse practitioners

b Blended Capitation - a base payment (adjusted for age and sex) for all enrolled patients is provided to physicians for the provision of comprehensive care along with incentives, premiums and special payments for the provision of specific primary health care services.