Theory |
Why was a particular intervention (or set of interventions) chosen and what is the mechanism by which it is thought to function? |
Explicitly identify the theory
Link the intervention attributes to theoretical concepts
Describe how the intervention functions to achieve the desired goals
Intervention Recipient |
Who received the intervention? |
Differentiate between the intervention target and recipient
Describe individual or group recipients
Describe their preparation
Indicate treatment preference
Describe incentives, compensation, and/or rewards
Interventionist |
Who delivered the intervention to the recipients? |
Identify the interventionist and any relationship to the recipient
Identify personal characteristics specific to this project (e.g., ethnicity)
Describe their professional credentials
Identify specific intervention competence (e.g., training)
Intervention Content |
What does the intervention entail? |
Provide clear operational descriptions
Describe procedures and materials in sufficient detail so that they can be replicated
Indicate how interventions were or could be targeted or tailored
Provide information about obtaining further intervention descriptions
Intervention Delivery |
How was the intervention delivered? Where and when was the intervention delivered? How much of the intervention was delivered? |
Describe the delivery mode
Describe the physical and contextual setting
Describe the dosage of the intervention (amount, frequency, and duration), including both intended and administered dosage
Report on the fidelity of administration