Fig. 2.
Conversion of DHA to DEA in hippocampal cultures. A. The tandem mass (MS/MS) spectrum was obtained from [M+H]+ of 13C22-DEA produced by mouse E-18 hippocampal neurons cultured for 3 days in the presence of 1 μM 13C22-DHA. The characteristic fragmentation pattern indicates that 13C22-DEA is produced by the cells. B. The MRM chromatograms using characteristic mss transitions from [M+H]+ to the ethanolamine moiety at m/z 62 confirmed the production of DEA in E-18 hippocampal cultures after supplementation with 1 μM 13C22-DHA or for 3 days. The retention time of 13C22-DEA is identical to that of the standard DEA. The mass spectrum is taken from reference 22