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. 2011 Apr-Jun;18(2):3–15.

Table 6:

Activated brain regions during subtraction greater than addition in the quiet and noise conditions at uncorrected P < 0.05

Region Hemisphere SIQ > AIQ AIN > SIN

NOV x, y, z t NOV x, y, z t
IPL L 14 −58, −40, 38 1.94 70 −44, −30, 44 2.58

SPL R 121 34, −42, 54 2.44 30 30, −44, 50 1.99
L 6 −24, −56, 58 1.74 41 −16, −58, 50 2.11

SG R 152 16, −56, 58 2.61 126 24, −66, 48 2.77
L 4 −58, −40, 36 1.53 -

R 88 60, −16, 28 2.33 16 60, −16, 28 1.95
SFG L 54 −22, 0, 48 2.87 31 −22, 0, 48 3.13

R 59 22, 24, 58 2.32 12 20, 2, 60 1.90

PG L 34 −20, −24, 70 2.33 27 −20, −24, 70 2.56
R 49 18, −26, 72 2.16 47 50, −14, 54 2.37

Abbreviations: AIQ = addition in-quiet, AIN = addition in-noise, SIQ = substraction in-quiet, SIN = substraction in-noise, IPL = inferior parietal lobe, SPL = superior parietal lobe, SG = supramarginal gyrus, SFG = superior frontal gyrus, PG = precentral gyrus.