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. 2011 Oct 21;10:312. doi: 10.1186/1475-2875-10-312

Table 2.

Distribution by genus and species of adult mosquitoes collected on humans in 45 studied areas in Dakar in Sept-Oct 2007, Jul 2008-Jun 2009 and Jul 2009-Jun 2010.

Sept-Oct 2007
(10 areas, 120 person-nights of capture)
Jul 2008-Jun 2009
(30 areas, 1404 person-nights of capture)
Jul 2009-Jun 2010
(30 areas, 1572 person-nights of capture)
Nb % of total population Nb % of total population Nb % of total population Nb % of total population

Anopheles gambiae s.l. 1101 5.66% 20773 11.42% 23093 7.83% 44967 9.06%

Anopheles pharoensis 10 0.05% 298 0.16% 95 0.03% 403 0.08%

Anopheles ziemani 33 0.02% 93 0.03% 126 0.03%

Culex quinquefasciatus 14428 74.18% 136001 74.78% 257947 87.44% 408376 82.28%

Culex tritaeniorynchus 3010 15.47% 19475 10.71% 10 665 3.62% 33150 6.68%

Aedes aegypti 821 4.22% 4289 2.36% 1 839 0.62% 6949 1.40%

Aedes metallicus 1 0.01% 23 0.01% 24 0.00%

Aedes vittatus 8 0.00% 8 0.00%

Aedes sp. 11 0.01% 1 0.00% 12 0.00%

Mansonia sp. 80 0.41% 964 0.53% 1251 0.42% 2295 0.46%

Total 19451 181867 294992 496310