Figure 5. Lymphoma and co-occurrence of other tumours in FEAT transgenic mice.
(a) Microscopic appearance of B-cell lymphomas from FEAT transgenic mice. Centroblastic (left panel) or immunoblastic (middle panel) variants of diffuse large B-cell lymphoma and Burkitt-like B-cell lymphoma with a starry sky appearance (right panel). (b) Giant cells (arrows) in polymorphic lymphoma. (c) Infiltration of lymphoma in the pancreas (arrows). (d) A section of the lung with metastases of hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) (rectangle, corresponding to left upper panel in Fig. 4c) and lymphoma (inset). (e) HCC (left panel), and a lung adenocarcinoma (middle and right panels) that developed in a transgenic mouse, which also harboured lymphoma. (a–e) H&E staining. Original magnifications are: ×600 (a), ×115 (b), ×60 (c), ×15 (d), and ×400 (e). The insets show immunohistochemical staining for a B-cell marker CD45R (B220) (a), and prosurfactant protein C, a marker of type II pneumocytes, which was absent in the HCC and present in the lung adenocarcinoma (e).