Structure–function analysis of Mini spindles reveals two microtubule lattice–binding sites. (A) Domain structure of Drosophila Dis1/XMAP215 homologue Mini spindles. COOH-terminal TACC interaction domain is indicated as a rectangle. All Msps constructs were COOH-terminally tagged with TagRFP and transfected with GFP–α-tubulin to observe localization to distinct microtubule structures. (B) Msps TOG1-5 TagRFP (left) colocalizes with GFP–α-tubulin (middle) in interphase and spindle poles, spindle microtubules, and condensed chromosomes in mitosis (C). (D) Msps TOG1-4 TagRFP (left) does not colocalize with GFP–α-tubulin (middle) in interphase or mitosis but does localize to condensed chromosomes in mitosis (E). Insets represent single TagRFP channel from merge. (F) Linker4-TOG5 TagRFP in interphase (left) or mitotic (right) S2 cells. (G) Linker2-TOG3 in interphase (left) and mitotic (right) S2 cells.