Pcdh-γB2 VCD is necessary for trafficking of Pcdh-γB2. Full-length γB2-YFP colocalized with LAMP-2 (A) and coclustered with RFP-LC3 (B) as shown previously. Constant-domain-deleted Pcdh-γB2 (γB2Δconst-GFP) also colocalized with LAMP-2 and RFP-LC3. Truncation of most of the VCD (γB2Δct190-GFP) caused the molecule to no longer colocalize with LAMP-2 and RFP-LC3 (A and B, bottom). (C) γB2-YFP and γB2Δconst-GFP both were associated with tubules and multivesicular organelles (arrowheads), whereas γB2Δct190-GFP was associated with disorganized membrane whorls or stacks. (D) Manually adjusted clustal alignment of VCD segments from Pcdh-γAs and Pcdh-γBs. The critical 26–amino acid segment in Pcdh-γA3 is boxed. Bar, 10 μm in A and B and 500 nm in C.