The VCD can mediate targeting to Pcdh-γ–positive organelles. (A) Constructs containing only an extracellular signal sequence, transmembrane domain, and intact (VCDstub-GFP) or disrupted (Δ741-752VCDstub-GFP) VCD of Pcdh-γA3. In cultured hippocampal neurons at 7 d in vitro VCDstub-GFP (B) was expressed in the soma with fine organelles extending into neurites, whereas VCDstubΔ741-752-GFP (C) remained largely within the cell body. Immunostaining for endogenous Pcdh-γs with an anti–Pcdh-γ constant domain antibody that recognizes the Pcdh-γ constant domain (red channel), missing in the VCDstub constructs, revealed partial colocalization with VCDstub-GFP (B, inset, arrowheads ) and a lack of colocalization with VCDstubΔ741-752-GFP (C). Bar, 10 μm.