Figure 2. SIRT2 protein is severely reduced in the quakinviable brain and is rescued by transgenic expression of QKI6.
Representative Western blot analysis of SIRT2 expression in brainstem homogenates prepared from non-phenotypic heterozygous control (q/w), quakingviable mutant (q/q), and transgenic rescue mouse (q/qtg) at P10 (A), P20 (B) and P40 (C). SIRT2 is severely reduced at P10, P20 and P40 in the q/q brainstem as compared to that in q/w. Transgenic expression of QKI6 partially rescues the expression of SIRT2 at P10 (n=3) and completely restores it at P20 (n=1) and P40 (n=3). The bar graph shows the quantification of SIRT2 signals normalized to that of β-actin (mean±SD). The reduction of SIRT2 in q/q in comparison with that in q/w is significant in both P10 and P40 brain homogenates (n=3, p<0.01). The expression level of SIRT2 in q/qtg compared with that in q/q at P10 does not reach statistical significance, but is highly significant at P40 (p<0.01).