Figure 2.
pDCs are in close contact with CCR6 and CCR10 ligands in inflamed epithelia of tonsil, and psoriatic and viral skin lesions. (A) Immunohistochemical stainings on 6-μm acetone fixed sections of tonsils, psoriatic skin, normal skin, and biopsies of verrucae vulgaris showing CCL20 (i,iv,vii,x), CCL27 (ii,v,viii,xi), and control IgG (iii,vi,ix,xii) (green) in epithelial sites together with BDCA-2+ pDCs (brown; original magnification ×20). (Inset) Original magnification ×40;these stainings are representative of 4 independent patients. (B) Positive cells were enumerated in the dermis of psoriatic and normal skin sections (n = 3). Slides were analyzed blind by 2 observers, and positive cells were counted in 5 adjacent fields (original magnification ×40). Results are expressed as the percentage or mean number of positive cells ± SD. *P < .05.