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. 2004;48:265–284.

Table 3.

Incidence, total lifetime costs and cost per case by cause of injury, cost category, and MAIS, 2000 dollars (total costs in millions)

MAIS Cases Medical cost Lost productivity Monetized QALYs Comprehensive cost Cost per Case
Pedestrian – Motor Vehicle
1 84,835 127 220 32 378 $ 4,460
2 47,028 290 872 1,751 2,913 61,932
3 7,558 265 377 1,392 2,034 269,143
4 2,548 312 185 563 1,060 415,976
5 690 157 156 234 547 791,751
Fatal 4,821 53 4,490 9,246 13,789 2,860,162
9 6,022 17 62 9 88 14,618
All 153,503 1,221 6,360 13,227 20,809 135,558
Pedestrian – No Motor Vehicle
1 36,112 35 50 8 93 $ 2,566
2 7,568 31 92 216 338 44,726
3 5,518 30 111 232 372 67,445
4 233 21 15 54 91 389,288
5 54 7 4 17 27 499,096
Fatal 1,285 7 1,333 2,620 3,960 3,081,647
9 94 1 5 1 7 74,806
All 50,864 132 1,610 3,146 4,888 96,098
Pedalcyclist – Motor Vehicle
1 42,947 53 89 13 155 $ 3,612
2 2,837 46 50 362 458 161,339
3 1,434 46 27 317 390 272,263
4 789 64 15 196 275 348,061
5 189 31 21 70 122 643,720
Fatal 697 7 675 1,148 1,830 2,625,024
9 7,359 13 26 4 44 5,945
All 56,252 259 904 2,111 3,273 58,188
Pedalcyclist – No Motor Vehicle
1 331,139 314 766 117 1,196 $ 3,611
2 209,971 359 1,748 4,239 6,346 30,222
3 4,020 67 206 993 1,266 314,935
4 1,650 82 131 424 637 385,975
5 330 26 24 107 157 476,779
Fatal 169 4 166 335 505 2,988,456
9 35,962 58 204 31 293 8,160
All 583,240 909 3,244 6,247 10,400 17,831
1 495,033 528 1,125 169 1,822 $ 3,681
2 267,404 726 2,761 6,567 10,054 37,600
3 18,530 408 720 2,934 4,063 219,256
4 5,220 480 346 1,236 2,062 395,035
5 1,264 220 204 429 853 674,856
Fatal 6,972 70 6,664 13,349 20,083 2,880,587
9 49,437 89 298 45 432 8,744
All 843,859 2,521 12,118 24,731 39,370 46,654
6.4% 30.8% 62.8% 100.0%

MAIS 9 = MAIS not codable from the diagnoses provided