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. 2011 Nov 2;11:305. doi: 10.1186/1471-2334-11-305

Table 2.

Preferences and Willingness to Pay in Participants of an HIV/syphilis/TB screening (N = 113)

Survey Question Median or N (IQR or %)
Q1. If testing were not being provided for free today, how much would you be willing to pay to know whether you had HIV? (N = 24) $20 (0-100)

Q2. If testing were not being provided for free today, how much would you be willing to pay to know whether you had syphilis? (N = 24) $20 (0-50)

Q3. If testing were not being provided for free today, how much would you be willing to pay to know whether you were infected with the TB germ? (N = 24) $10 (0-100)

Q4. Would you have come today to get screened for TB, HIV, and syphilis if you had to pay the following amounts (mark the highest amount, with -1 referring to giving out $1 gift cards)? (N = 88)
-5 2 (2.3)
-1 0 (0)
0 18 (20.5)
1 15 (17.1)
5 53 (60.2)

Q5. How do you feel about getting a skin test (having some liquid injected underneath your skin, like what is done for a TB skin test)? (N = 113)
Don't mind at all 91 (81.3)
Somewhat unpleasant 14 (12.5)
Hate it 7 (6.3)

Q6. How do you feel about having blood drawn? (N = 113)
Don't mind at all 79 (69.9)
Somewhat unpleasant 19 (16.8)
Hate it 15 (13.3)

Q7. How difficult is it for you to return in 2-3 days to have your skin test read? (N = 110)
Easy 98 (89.1)
Somewhat hard 8 (7.3)
Hard 4 (3.6)

Q8. Do you prefer a skin test or blood test? (N = 110)
Skin test 25 (22.7)
Blood test 43 (39.1)
Doesn't matter 42 (38.2)

Q9. How much would you be willing to pay to get the test that you prefer (instead of the other test)? (N = 113) $5 (0-20)

Q10. Would you give up your snack to get your preferred test? (N = 45)
Yes 38 (84.4)
No 7 (15.6)

Q11. Skin testing requires a second visit 2-3 days after the first. How much is it worth to you to avoid that second visit? ($) (N = 113) $0 (0-5)

Q12. How much time does it take for you to get here from where you would normally be on a weekday (work, home, etc.)? (minutes) (N = 113) 5 (2-20)

Q13. How much time does it take for you to get to the health department from where you would normally be on a weekday (work, home, etc.)? (minutes) (N = 113) 25 (15-40)

Q14. Usually, how difficult is it for you to get transportation for medical appointments? (N = 110)
Easy 66 (60.0)
Somewhat Hard 21 (19.1)
Hard 23 (20.9)

Q15. Are you working outside the home right now? (N = 110)
Yes 42 (38.2)
No 68 (61.8)

Q16. Do you have children under the age of 18 living with you? (N = 110)
Yes 21 (19.1)
No 89 (80.9)

Q17. Do you have a regular doctor? (N = 110)
Yes 42 (38.2)
No 68 (61.8)

Q18. If you do have a regular doctor, when was your last appointment? (N = 42)
Within the past 3 months 27 (64.3)
3 months to 1 year ago 8 (19.1)
More than 1 year ago 6 (14.3)
Don't remember 1 (2.4)

Q19. Which test do you trust more to give the "right answer"? (N = 107)
Skin test 10 (9.4)
Blood test 50 (46.7)
Doesn't matter 47 (43.9)

Q20. Would you give up your snack to know your result in a few minutes? (N = 86)
Yes 78 (90.7)
No 8 (9.3)