Figure 2.
Identification of the authentic tag corresponding to its Glyma model. (A) Clark standard (CS) Glyma04g35130 transcript sequence. Underlined sequences represent DpnII restriction sites. DGE0000012, indicated in red is an authentic tag because it is adjacent to the last DpnII site in the 3'UTR sequence of this gene. Other non-authentic site tags on either the sense or antisense strand are also shown: DGE0002838 (yellow) and DGE0022468 (green) originated from restriction fragments which are not washed after digestion of cDNA with DpnII; DGE0008244 (ferozi) and DGE0033570 (grey) originated due to inefficient restriction of cDNA by DpnII. (B) Five DGE tags match Glyma04g35130 sequence. Their respective sequences and counts in CS and the glabrous-mutant (CG) are indicated.