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. 2011 Nov 16;6(11):e27272. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0027272

Table 2. Results of the synch-baseline contrast.

Size (vox) Hem Area x y z t
21508 L postCG −52 −16 40 9,08
R IFG (BA 44) 52 6 14 8,26
L MTG −54 −38 8 8,10
R C.Vermis (III) 2 −36 −16 7,97
R SMA 4 −2 52 7,87
R postCGyrs (Area 4p) 38 −26 52 7,86
R STG/TE 1.1 50 −14 −4 7,49
L postCGyrs (Area 2) −42 −32 42 7,45
R IPL 44 −46 48 7,44
R supMGyrs 54 −34 42 7,44
3101 L Pallidum −20 −4 2 6,24
R Pallidum 20 −6 −4 5,55
R Caudate 14 6 8 4.65
R Thalamus 12 −12 4 5,29
L Thalamus −12 −14 4 5,28
L Putamen −18 4 8 4,81

Results of synch-baseline at p<0.005 uncorrected (all voxels also survive false discovery rate correction at p<0.05). Only clusters of 10 voxels or more are reported. For each cluster, its size in voxels and hemisphere are indicated first. For each of the subpeaks of the cluster, the cytoarchitectonic areas (based on the anatomy toolbox [38] for SPM) followed by their MNI coordinates and t-value are reported. See Table S3 for abbreviations.