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. Author manuscript; available in PMC: 2011 Nov 16.
Published in final edited form as: Arch Phys Med Rehabil. 2010 May;91(5):816–831. doi: 10.1016/j.apmr.2010.01.022

Table 3.

Antidepressants in Post-SCI Pain

Author Year Country Score (PEDro/D&B) Population Intervention Results
Davidoff et al. 198749
Type of pain: Individuals with neuropathic pain
Treatment: Subjects underwent a 2-week placebo lead-in period with a 6-week randomization to 150 mg trazadone per day or placebo.
Pain Scale: MPQ, SPI; PAD
  1. No significant differences were noted between groups on MPQ, SPI, or PAD.

  2. More subjects reported side effects in experimental group (p<0.05).

  3. More subjects in placebo group completed the 8-week study (p<0.01).

Rintala et al. 200735
Type of pain: Individuals with neuropathic pain
Treatment: Patients were randomized into 1 of 6 groups: 1) gabapentin-amitriptyline-diphenhydramine (n=7), 2) gabapentin-diphenhydramine-amitriptyline (n=6), 3) amitriptyline-gabapentin-diphenhydramine (n=6), 4) amitriptyline-diphenhydramine-gabapentin (n=6), 5) dephenhydramine-gabapentin-amitriptyline (n=7), 6) diphenhydramine-amitriptyline-gabapentin (n=6). Each drug was administered for 9 wks with 1 washout week before and after each drug treatment, for a total of 31 weeks. The maximum doses were 50mg, 3x/day for amitriptyline; 1200mg, 3x/day for gabapentin; 25mg, 3x/day, diphenhydramine (control).
Pain Scale: VAS, NRS
  1. In subjects with high (≥10) baseline Center for Epidemiologic Studies Depression Scale-Short Form (CESD-SF) scores at 8 weeks:

    1. Amitriptyline was significantly more effective in reducing pain intensity than diphenhydramine (p=0.035); but not gabapentin (p=0.61).

    2. No significant difference in pain intensity was seen in effectivenessin e of gabapentin over diphenhydramine (p=0.97).

  2. Subjects with low (< 10) baseline CESD-SF scores showed no significant difference among the medications.

Cardenas et al. 200248
Type of pain: Mixed group
Treatment: Subjects were randomized to either amitriptyline or placebo group for a period of 6 weeks.
Pain Scale: SFMPQ, BPI
  1. There were no significant differences between the 2 groups at baseline or at 6 weeks for any measure except satisfaction with life, with higher scores noted in the placebo group (p=0.004).

  2. Among those who remained on two medications, those on amitriptyline rated spasticity significantly higher (p=0.005) than controls.

Abbreviations: BPI = Brief Pain Inventory; D&B = Downs and Black quality assessment scale score27; MPQ = McGill Pain Questionnaire; NRS = 11 Point Numeric Rating Scale; PAD = Zurg Pain and Distress Index; PEDro = Physiotherapy Evidence Database rating scale score26 ; SFMPQ = Short Form McGill Pain Questionnaire; SPI = Steinback Pain Intensity; VAS = Visual Analogue Scale