Decreased abundance of mutant SOD1 immunoreactive inclusions in presymptomatic G85R SOD1/TrkB KO mice. (A and B) Immunostaining of presymptomatic spinal cord sections using human SOD1 antibody showed diffuse SOD1 immunoreactivity in ventral horn motor neurons (inset, arrows). Less SOD1 immunoreactive inclusions were seen in presymptomatic G85R-SOD1+/−; VAChT-Cre+/− mice (B) than in G85R-SOD1+/−; VAChT-Cre−/− mice (A and inset, arrowheads). (C–F) Increased amount of SOD1 inclusions were seen in neuronal processes of spinal cord sections from both symptomatic (C and D and insets, arrowheads) and end-stage (E and F and inset, arrowheads) animals. No significant difference in abundance of SOD1 inclusions between G85R-SOD1+/−; VAChT-Cre−/− and G85R-SOD1+/−; VAChT-Cre+/− mice. Scale bars, 100 μm. (G and H) Western blot analysis showed similar expression levels of mutant SOD1 in Triton-soluble lumbar spinal cord lysates of G85R-SOD1+/−; VAChT-Cre−/− and G85R-SOD1+/−; VAChT-Cre+/− mice (G). Less mutant SOD1 was found in Triton-insoluble lumbar spinal cord pellets from G85R-SOD1+/−; VAChT-Cre+/− mice (H).