Ubiquitin immunoreactive inclusions in G85R SOD1/TrkB KO mice. (A–F) Immunohistochemical staining of spinal cord sections showed diffuse ubiquitin immunoreactivity in ventral motor neurons from all age groups of G85R-SOD1−/−; VAChT-Cre−/− (A–C and insets, arrows) and G85R-SOD1−/−; VAChT-Cre+/− mice (E and F and insets, arrows). (G–L) More neuronal ubiquitination abnormalities were seen in presymptomatic G85R-SOD1+/−; VAChT-Cre−/− mice (G and inset, arrowheads) than in G85R-SOD1+/−; VAChT-Cre+/− mice (J and inset, arrowheads). No significant difference of ubiquitin-positive inclusions was found at later disease stage (H and I, K and L, insets, arrowheads). Scale bars, 100 μm.