Figure 5.
Elimination of TrkB in motor neurons reduces mutant SOD1-associated gliosis. (A–H) Immunostaining of spinal cord sections using GFAP antibody indicated reduced astrocytosis in presymptomatic (B) and symptomatic (D) G85R-SOD1+/−; VAChT-Cre+/− mice compared with age-matched G85R-SOD1+/−; VAChT-Cre−/− mice (A and E). Image analysis confirmed the significance of GFAP signal difference at presymptomatic (C, P < 0.01) and symptomatic (F, P < 0.05) stage. Scale bars, 200 μm. (I) Western blot analysis showed higher level of GFAP in lumbar spinal cords from presymptomatic G85R-SOD1+/−; VAChT-Cre−/− mice.