Reduced denervation of NMJs in G85R-SOD1+/−; VAChT-Cre+/− mice. (A–I) Representative images of NMJs from gastrocnemius of 10-month-old animals showed three innervated junctions in wild-type control (A–C), two denervated/one innervated junctions in G85R-SOD1+/−; VAChT-Cre−/− mice (D–F) and one denervated/three innervated junctions in G85R-SOD1+/−; VAChT-Cre+/− (G–I) mice. Scale bars, 50 μm. (J–L) Quantification analysis showed significant reduction of denervated junctions in gastrocnemius (J, P < 0.05), EDL (K, P < 0.01) and soleus (L, P < 0.05) from five G85R-SOD1+/−; VAChT-Cre+/− mice compared with age-matched five G85R-SOD1+/−;VAChT-Cre−/− mice.