Table 3.
Trials for the treatment of post stroke depression
Treatment studied | Author | Type of trial | N | Diagnostic criteria | Outcome measure | Trial length (weeks) | Time from stroke (months) | Treatment response | Placebo |
Nortriptyline | Lipsey et al90 | RCT | 34 | DSM III Major Minor |
4–6 | <18 | 36%† | 22%† |
Robinson et al89 | RCT | 56 | DSM IV Major Minor |
HDRS | 12 | <6 | 63%‡ | 23%‡ | |
Fluoxetine | Robinson et al89 | RCT | 56 | DSM IV Major Minor |
HDRS | 12 | <6 | 9% | 23% |
Wiart et al112 | RCT | 66 | ICD-10 Major |
MADRS | 6 | <6 | 63%‡ | 33%‡ | |
Fruehwald et al92 | RCT | 54 | DSM IV Major Minor |
16 72 |
<1 | 69.2% 81.8%* |
75% 27.8%* |
Choi-Kwon et al93 | RCT | 152 | DSM IV Major Minor |
BDI Clinical STAS |
16 26 |
14 | 28.7% 27.1% |
15.5% 14.7% |
Sertraline | Murray et al91 | RCT | 123 | DSM IV Major Minor |
26 | 1–52 | 33.9% | 42.6% |
Citalopram | Andersen et al84 | RCT | 66 | DSM III Major Minor |
16 | 4 | 65%† | 15%† |
Methylphenidate | Grade et al101 | RCT | 22 | DSM IV Major Minor |
3 | <1 | 28%‡ | 24%‡ |
Cognitive behavioral therapy | Lincoln et al106 | Case series | 19 | DSM IV Major Minor |
16 | <1 | 24%‡ | NA |
Lincoln & Flannaghan108 | RCT | 123 | DSM IV Major Minor |
BDI | 16 | 1 | 29% | 13% |
P < 0.005
P < 0.05
P < 0.05, post-hoc exploratory analysis with significant placebo drop-out.
Abbreviations: RCT, double-blind randomized controlled trial; BDI, Beck Depression Inventory; DSM IV, Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fourth Edition; HADS, Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale; HDRS, Hamilton Depression Rating Scale; MADRS, Montogomery–Asberg Depression Rating Scale; MES, Melancholia Scale; STAS, Spielberger Trait Anger Scale; ZSRDS, Zung Self Rating Depression Scale.