Figure 2.
Highly co-occurring aberration pairs. Highly co-occurring aberrations in the entire karyotype dataset are connected by lines. Aberrations that are involved only in expected links (for example, a link between a translocation and a gain/loss of one of its derivative chromosomes; a link between two (two-break) translocations originating from one three-break [18] rearrangement) are not shown. For explanations of aberration names, see Additional file 1. (a) Highly co-occurring pairs in the Mitelman Database karyotypes (links are significant at P < 0.05, after Bonferroni correction). (b) Highly co-occurring pairs in the comparative genomic hybridization dataset (links are significant at FDR 5%). The only gain-loss link is (+1, -16), which has the second worst (that is, highest) P-value among the 47 pairs that passed the FDR 5% criterion. The figure was drawn using Cytoscape [40].