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. 2011 Nov;7(6):366–370. doi: 10.1200/JOP.2011.000367

Table 1.

Five-Item Palliative Care Screening Tool

Screening Items Points
1. Presence of metastatic or locally advanced cancer 2
2. Functional status score, according to ECOG performance status score 0-4
3. Presence of one or more serious complications of advanced cancer usually associated with a prognosis of < 12 months (eg, brain metastases, hypercalcemia, delirium, spinal cord compression, cachexia) 1
4. Presence of one or more serious comorbid diseases also associated with poor prognosis (eg, moderate-severe COPD or CHF, dementia, AIDS, end stage renal failure, end stage liver cirrhosis) 1
5. Presence of palliative care problems
    Symptoms uncontrolled by standard approaches 1
    Moderate to severe distress in patient or family, related to cancer diagnosis or therapy 1
    Patient/family concerns about course of disease and decision making 1
    Patient/family requests palliative care consult 1
    Team needs assistance with complex decision making or determining goals of care 1
Total 0-13

Abbreviations: CHG, congestive heart failure; COPD, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease; ECOG, Eastern Cooperative Oncology Group.