FIG. 3.
Trees inferred from the low and high heterotachous data sets (L- and H-data set, respectively). (A) Trees inferred from the L-data set by use of the ML method with a GTR + CAT model, BI with an MBL + CAT + Γ model, and MP, respectively. The MP method generated a single most-parsimonious tree with consistency index (CI) = 0.65 and retention index (RI) = 0.69. Three different methods yielded an identical topology, and only the ML tree is presented. Bootstrap values for ML and MP and posterior probability for BI are arranged in ML/BI/MP. (B–D) show trees based on the H-data set by use of the ML method with a GTR + CAT model, BI with an MBL + CAT + Γ model, and MP, respectively. A single most-parsimonious tree was obtained with CI = 0.69 and RI = 0.73. Supported values estimated from 1,000 bootstrap replicates are shown along branches. Solid circles denote supports greater than 90%. Scales of branch lengths are indicated.