Example of traces generated using SPR from reconstituted lipids. Membrane vesicles were generated and loaded onto a L1 chip, as described in the experimental section. (A) Shown is an SPR trace for PC vesicles with initial injection of 3.75 μM BSA (labeled as B) followed by dissociation (indicated by downward arrows) and injections of PMT (labeled as 1–5) at concentrations of 7.5 nM, 75 nM, 750 nM, 3.75 μM, and 7.5 μM punctuated with dissociation events. Also shown are example traces from all four channels of the L1 chip preloaded with (B) PC, (C) PC/PS or (D) PC/SM vesicles, followed by 5 serial PMT-N injection-dissociation events, similar to the sequence shown in (A).