Analysis of Rad4 sumoylation. Sumoylation of Rad4-HH in strains of the indicated genotypes was analyzed as in Fig. 4, using fluorescent detection. Designations as in Fig. 4. The same 2 sumoylated species indicated in Fig. 4 are indicated. Numbers under the lanes indicate normalized ratio of Smt3 signal to HA signal. In the top panel, ratios were normalized to UV-irradiated wt, while in other panels, ratios were normalized to sample with the highest ratio. rad16Δ and rad1Δ samples were from the same blot, but lanes in between were removed. For the UV-irradiated rad1Δ sample, an overexposed version of the α-HA signal is shown next to the same lane with the α-Smt3 signal overlaid.