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. 1999 Jan;119(1):153–164. doi: 10.1104/pp.119.1.153

Table IV.

Frequency of free phenolic groups in G or S units involved in β-O-4 bonds, as shown from thioacidolyses of methylated extract-free poplars

Line Age G with Free Phenol S with Free Phenol
% molar
ASCAD52 2 years 30.5 3.5
ASCAD21 2 years 33.6 4.5
6 months 32 4.5
SCAD1 2 years 29.8 3.6
6 months 29.4 3.6
Control 2 years 26.4 3.0
6 months 25.7 2.8
ASOMT10B 1 year 21.5 2.6
ASCAD21 × ASOMT7 6 months 25.9 2.6

For each line, measurements were done from one (6-month-old poplars) or three to five (older poplars gathered for analyses) plants.