Literature search for studies of treatment of anorexia
*Evaluation criteria:
Diagnosis: Diagnosis of anorexia nervosa must be according to a defined diagnostic system (ICD-9/10, DSM-II, DSM-III-R or DSM-IV or Morgan–Russell criteria).
Psychotherapeutic treatment: The study must contain at least one psychotherapeutic treatment arm (psychotherapeutic intervention may include counseling. All settings – outpatient, day patient, inpatient – and combinations thereof are included).
Repeated measurements: Studies must report at least two observation time points (pre- and post-, or pre- and follow-up). One of these measurement points must describe the status before treatment began.
Weight data: Weight data must be reported, such as for example body mass index, % ABW (average body weight), % MMPW (mean matched population weight).
Sample size: The sample size of the entire study must be equal to or greater than the number of study arms × 10 (e.g., 11 + 9 = 20; > = 10 × 2).
No mixed samples: Study arms must not mix patients with bulimia nervosa and anorexia nervosa. Patients with bulimic anorexia and restrictive anorexia may be mixed, but the weight criterion (<17.5 BMI or <85% MMPW on admission) must be fulfilled.
Observation period: The mean observation time, i.e., the time from T1 to T2, must be less than 3.5 years.