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. 2011 Oct 15;8(6):A142.

Table 2.

Weighted Proportions Receiving 2 HbA1c Tests, Foot Examination, and Eye Examination in the Past Year, by Racial/Ethnic Minority Group, Adult Patients Aged 18 to 64 Years With Diabetes (n = 2,452), 2005-2007 Medical Expenditure Panel Surveya

Race/ethnicity Weighted %b (95% CI)

Received ≥2 HbA1c Tests in Past Year Received Foot Examination in Past Year Received Eye Examination in Past Year
White 83.0 (80.3-85.8) 71.2 (67.6-74.9) 63.5 (59.2-67.6)
Black 84.5 (79.1-89.9) 76.9 (71.4-82.3) 53.1 (45.1-61.2)
Hispanic 77.8 (71.4-95.6) 63.1 (56.1-70.2) 52.6 (45.7-59.5)
Asian 83.3 (71.1-95.6) 70.2 (53.5-86.9) 75.9 (58.8-92.9)

Abbreviations: CI, confidence interval; HbA1c, glycated hemoglobin.


Data are pooled for years 2005, 2006, and 2007 of the Household Component of the Medical Expenditure Panel Survey (MEPS). The sample was restricted to unique individuals in each year of the pooled data. There are no repeated observations for the same individual across the different years.


Percentage is weighted to yield a nationally representative sample of US households.

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