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. 2011 Oct 15;8(6):A146.
Objectives Methods Outcomes
Use a CBPR approach to develop a behavioral intervention
  • Health assessment survey of churches developed, implemented, and evaluated

  • Focus group guide developed, community partners training in focus group methodology, focus groups implemented and evaluated

  • Translation of evidence-based materials into a culturally appropriate intervention

Engagement of community partners in the research process
  • Health assessment survey development, data collection, and interpretation of results to select a health issue

  • Focus group guide development, recruitment of focus group participants, co-facilitation of focus groups, interpretation of focus group results

  • Using data from the focus groups to refine materials

  • Applying community insider knowledge to increase salience of intervention materials

Built community capacity to conduct research
  • Increased understanding and application of survey methodology

  • Increased understanding and application of focus group methodology

  • Increased understanding of the qualitative data analysis process

Stronger collaborative relationship between community and academic partners
  • Increased communication between community and academic partners

  • Codevelopment of intervention

Use a CBPR approach to implement a behavioral intervention
  • Development and implementation of a recruitment strategy for WORD leaders

  • Development and implementation of a recruitment strategy for program participants

  • Provision of ongoing guidance to WORD leaders for the duration of the intervention

Engagement of community partners in the research process
  • Leading recruitment efforts of lay leaders and study participants

  • Participation in maintenance of program fidelity

Built community capacity to conduct research
  • Recruitment and retention of study staff and participants

Stronger collaborative relationship between community and academic partners
  • Co-implementation of intervention

Use a CBPR approach to evaluate a behavioral intervention
  • Development and implementation of the assessment instrument

  • Community partners training in data collection

Engagement of community partners in the research process
  • Selection of survey topics to be evaluated, selection of survey items and scales

  • Collection of baseline and follow-up data

Built community capacity to conduct research
  • Increased understanding of internal consistency and reliability of survey scales

  • Increased understanding of construct validity

  • Development of skills in survey data collection

Stronger collaborative relationship between community and academic partners
  • Codevelopment of the evaluation instrument

  • Community and academic partner worked together to collect data

Abbreviation: CBPR, community-based participatory research; WORD, Wholeness, Oneness, Righteousness, Deliverance Intervention.