Figure 3.
Averaged symptom severity scores over medication dose cycles. Symptom scores were grouped into one hour intervals based on the elapsed time since the previous medication dose. Baseline scores were aligned with time zero. Error bars represent the standard deviation of the motor scores in each time interval. Second order equations were fitted to the plotted data (dotted curves). Subject 2’s rest tremor and speed averaged across the three bradykinesia tasks improved after 2–3 h (p<0.01, p<0.01, respectively), but worsened before the next medication dose cycle (p<0.05, p<0.01, respectively). Subject 5’s rest tremor and average speed did not improve after 2–3 h (p>0.1, p>0.3, respectively) and did not worsen before the next medication dose cycle (p>0.4, p>0.4, respectively).