Fig. 6.
D1 receptor facilitation and CB1 receptor inhibition of the striatonigral axon terminals. (A) Immunostaining for D1 receptor protein reveals an intense expression of D1 receptors on striatonigral axons. Due to the curvature of the fibers in this saggital section, only part of the projection is captured in this image. AC: anterior commissure. Unpublished data of FMZ. (B) Selective photoactivation of ChR2-expressing MSN axons in SNr evoked IPSCs in SNr GABA neurons that was enhanced by a D1-like agonist SKF83822. This enhancing effect was blocked by the D1-like antagonist SCH23390. Adapted from Chuhma et al. 2011 with permission. (C) Immunostaining for CB1 receptor protein reveals an intense expression of CB1 receptors on striatonigral axons. Adapted from Fukudome et al. 2004 with permission. (D) The cannabinoid agonist WIN55212-2 (WIN) depressed striatum stimulation-evoked IPSCs in SNr GABA neurons and this effect was largely reversed by cannabinoid antagonist SR141716A (SR). PRE indicates pre-drug control. Adapted from Wallmichrath and Szabo, 2002b with permission.