The decay of p53-regulated transcripts. (A) HT29-tsp53 cells were incubated at the permissive temperature for 16 h and then switched to the restrictive temperature for between 0 and 6 h. RNA was collected at 2-h intervals and analyzed by qRT-PCR to monitor the decay of p53-induced transcripts. Each value represents the mean (±SEM) determined from a minimum of three independent experiments. (B) HT29-tsp53 cells were incubated at the permissive temperature for 16 h and then switched to the restrictive temperature for between 0 and 8 h in the presence or absence of cycloheximide (CHX). Protein was collected at 2-h intervals and subjected to immunoblot analysis for the indicated proteins. The control sample (C) was collected from cells maintained at the restrictive temperature.