Table 3. Clinical trials of ATG based regimen.
Auther | Country | N | Age | Treatment | Formulation | RA | HR |
(Published year) ref | (Median) | (%) | (%) | ||||
Molldrem (2002)69 | US | 61 | 60 | eATG | Atgam | 61 | 34 |
Saunthararajah(2002)70 | US | 72 | 59 | eATG and/or CsA | Atgam | 46 | 29 |
Yazji (2003)71 | US | 31 | 59 | eATG and CsA | Atgam | 58 | 23 |
Steensma (2003)72 | US | 8 | 69 | eATG | Atgam | 25 | 0 |
Stadler (2004)73 | Germany | 35 | 63 | eATG | Lymphoglobulin | 60 | 40 |
rATG | Thymoglobulin | 80 | 27 | ||||
Broliden (2006)74 | Sweden | 20 | 64 | rATG and CsA | ATG Pharmacia | 85 | 30 |
Lim (2007)75¶ | UK, Germany, and Italy | 96 (UK, 65: Germany, 13: Italy, 18) | 56 | eATG | Lymphoglobulin | 84 | 42 |
Sloand (2008)§76 | US | 116 (eATG and CsA, 42: eATG, 74) | 60 | eATG and CsA | Atgam | 67 | 48 |
eATG | 24 |
RA, refractory anemia; HR, hematological response; eATG, equine antithymocyte globulin; rATG, rabbit antithymocyte globulin; CsA, cyclosporine.
Responses were defined by IWG ctiteria.
Responses were the same when the response classification of the IWG criteria was retrospectively applied.