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. 2010 Jan 26;2(1):e1. doi: 10.4081/hr.2010.e1

Table 3. Clinical trials of ATG based regimen.

Auther Country N Age Treatment Formulation RA HR
(Published year) ref (Median) (%) (%)
Molldrem (2002)69 US 61 60 eATG Atgam 61 34
Saunthararajah(2002)70 US 72 59 eATG and/or CsA Atgam 46 29
Yazji (2003)71 US 31 59 eATG and CsA Atgam 58 23
Steensma (2003)72 US 8 69 eATG Atgam 25 0
Stadler (2004)73 Germany 35 63 eATG Lymphoglobulin 60 40
rATG Thymoglobulin 80 27
Broliden (2006)74 Sweden 20 64 rATG and CsA ATG Pharmacia 85 30
Lim (2007)75 UK, Germany, and Italy 96 (UK, 65: Germany, 13: Italy, 18) 56 eATG Lymphoglobulin 84 42
Sloand (2008)§76 US 116 (eATG and CsA, 42: eATG, 74) 60 eATG and CsA Atgam 67 48
eATG 24

RA, refractory anemia; HR, hematological response; eATG, equine antithymocyte globulin; rATG, rabbit antithymocyte globulin; CsA, cyclosporine.

Responses were defined by IWG ctiteria.


Responses were the same when the response classification of the IWG criteria was retrospectively applied.