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. 2011 Oct;101(10):1971–1979. doi: 10.2105/AJPH.2010.300044


Sample Characteristics According to Caregiving Status and Burden: Gazel Cohort Study, France, 2008

Regular Caregiver Level of Burden
Characteristic Noncaregivers(n = 7076) Potential Regular Caregivers (n = 710) 1st Quartile(n = 729) 2nd Quartile(n = 718) 3rd Quartile(n = 740) 4th Quartile(n = 714) Pa P for Trendb
ZBI global score
    Range 0–8 9–15 16–26 27–81
    Mean (SD) 4.7 (2.2) 11.8 (2.0) 20.5 (3.2) 38.0 (9.7)
Age, y, mean (SD) 63.2 (3.5) 62.6 (3.4) 62.9 (3.4) 62.7 (3.3) 62.6 (3.4) 62.4 (3.4) <.001 .004
Women, % 24.5 21.0 20.2 24.2 27.2 37.7 <.001 <.001
Marital status, % .002 .18
    Married/living with partner 84.7 90.3 87.1 85.2 86.1 84.2
    Single/divorced/widowed 15.3 9.8 13.0 14.8 13.9 15.9
No. of individuals in household, % <.001 .25
    1 13.0 7.9 9.8 12.4 12.3 12.0
    2 76.7 80.4 80.1 74.2 75.1 72.2
    ≥3 10.3 11.7 10.1 13.5 12.6 15.7
High school education or above, % 27.2 31.4 24.8 26.4 27.4 27.9 .14 .17
Socioprofessional category, %c <.001 .28
    Manager/executive 37.4 44.9 32.3 35.0 36.5 32.4
    Intermediate occupationd 52.6 48.0 54.5 55.2 55.2 57.8
    Office/manual worker 10.0 7.1 13.2 9.8 8.3 9.8
Retired, % 87.6 88.0 88.9 89.4 86.7 85.7 .29 .03
Engages in sports activities, % 66.8 63.7 66.1 68.4 69.8 64.1 .11 .58
Current smoker, % 9.0 7.1 8.8 8.5 6.9 8.7 .28 .64
Alcohol use, %e 86.1 90.4 90.2 88.9 86.2 85.4 <.001 .002
No. of glasses of alcohol per day, mean (SD) 2.6 (1.9) 2.9 (2.1) 2.7 (1.9) 2.8 (1.9) 2.6 (1.9) 2.6 (1.9) <.001 .03

Note. ZBI = Zarit Burden Interview. Burden levels were assessed with the ZBI; higher ZBI global score quartiles represent increased burden. Participants who answered yes to the 2 questions regarding caregiving status (“Are there one or more people aged more than 65 in your social sphere [spouse, family relative, other] who need assistance in their daily life?” and “If so, do you provide regular assistance to this person/these people?”) were defined as regular caregivers. Participants not providing regular assistance to a dependent elderly person were stratified as those not having any dependent elderly individuals in their social sphere (noncaregivers) and those having one or more dependent elderly individuals in their social sphere but not regularly caring for them (potential regular caregivers). Sample size was n = 10 687. Ellipses indicate that performing tests were not relevant.


Univariate analysis assessing differences across all categories of caregiving status and burden.


Univariate analysis assessing trends across quartiles of regular caregivers.


Most recent occupation.


Defined as a technician or associate professional.


At least 1 glass of wine, 1 beer, or 1 aperitif during the preceding week.