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. 2011 Dec;101(12):2238–2241. doi: 10.2105/AJPH.2011.300305


Participants' Demographic and Health Characteristics, by Sexual Orientation: Massachusetts Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System, 2001–2008

Lesbian/Gay/Bisexual (n = 2271), No. (%) or Mean ±SD Heterosexual (n = 65 088), No. (%) or Mean ±SD
Age, y
    18–24 194 (20.7) 4210 (12.3)
    25–34 385 (20.3) 11 660 (19.8)
    35–44 668 (28.6) 16 616 (28.5)
    45–54 644 (18.7) 17 542 (22.8)
    55–64 380 (11.7) 15 060 (16.8)
    Men 1120 (50.3) 25 387 (49.5)
    Women 1151 (49.7) 39 701 (50.5)
    White, non-Hispanic 1877 (81.0) 51 962 (81.5)
    Black, non-Hispanic 117 (5.0) 3422 (4.5)
    Hispanic 178 (10.0) 6689 (8.5)
    Asian/Pacific Islander, Native Hawaiian, or American Indian 84 (4.0) 2535 (5.5)
Educational level
    College 1286 (51.5) 28 320 (47.0)
    Some college 512 (25.2) 15 504 (23.3)
    High school or equivalent 351 (18.1) 15 944 (23.7)
    < high school 121 (5.3) 5239 (6.0)
History of asthma diagnosis
    No 1794 (79.2) 54 617 (84.3)
    Yes 470 (20.8) 10 336 (15.7)
Cigarette smoking
    Never 949 (45.5) 33 742 (56.9)
    Current/former 1322 (54.5) 31 346 (43.1)
Area of residence
    Rural 248 (20.6) 8336 (22.7)
    Urban 2019 (79.4) 56 711 (77.3)
Weight category
    Normal 946 (49.2) 24 456 (41.2)
    Underweight 46 (1.5) 970 (1.4)
    Overweight 728 (31.0) 21 788 (36.4)
    Obese 469 (18.3) 13 721 (21.0)
Current primary care provider
    No 272 (17.2) 7319 (12.6)
    Yes 1994 (82.8) 57 646 (87.4)
Symptoms of anxiety
    No 601 (69.9) 16 362 (80.2)
    Yes 239 (30.1) 5056 (19.8)
Symptoms of depression
    No 529 (80.2) 13 038 (84.0)
    Yes 148 (19.8) 2954 (16.0)
Hours of secondhand smoke exposure in past 7 d 2.89 ±211.4 1.66 ±160.4

Note. Counts are unweighted, and percentages and means are weighted.