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. 2011 Nov 22;6(11):e27755. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0027755

Table 1. Summary of results obtained by the different methods.

T.S. G.S. S.T. D.T. D.A. I.F.T. I.D.R.N.
Goodwin one obs NR NR NA NC NR NA NA
Goodwin full obs SLI SLI NA NC SNI SLI (σ>2) SLI (σ, A fixed)
Goodwin poly. form, 1 obs SLI SLI NA NC NR NA NA
Goodwin poly. form, full obs SGI SGI NA NC SNI no i.c. SLI no i.c. NA
Pharma. one obs SLI SLI NA NC NR NR SLI some pars.
Pharma. two obs SLI SLI NA NC SGI NR NA
Glycolysis SLI SGI NA NA SGI no i.c. SLI SGI
High dim. model SGI SGI NR NC SGI SLI SGI
Arabidopsis clock SLI 14 pars. SLI 16 pars. NA NA NR NA SLI 12 pars.

T.S.:Taylor series approach; G.S.: generating series approach; S.T.: Similarity transformation approach; D.T.: Direct test; D.A.: differential algebra based approach; I.F.T.: method based on the implicit function theorem; I.D.R.N.: identifiability analysis based on the reaction network theory; SGI: structural global identifiable, SLI: (at least) structural local identifiable, SNI: structural non-identifiable, NA: not applicable, NC: not conclusive and NR: no results were reported due to computational errors or requirements.